There was a plan to create a light rail system that went down from the Maryland Parkway near the airport down to Fremont. We interviewed several local businesses owner that were being affected by the light rail project.
This an expermental documnetary method I wanted to try out due to the limitations that quaratined had on access to interviewees that were willing to speak on their expereince. I wanted to make an isolationistic feeling while viewing this documentary.
As photo editor of the Scarlet and Gray, I had the job and pleasure to find a way to communicate why people should donate and fund the scholl paper. We were a group of individuals working toward the ideals set before us by many great reporters: Seek the truth and Report it.
I was contracted to film and edit a six-episode series of podcasts for Radiant Church. The work involved over eight hours of footage and 60+ hours of editing. It was one hell of an experience.
Miss April, our instructor, could see that I have an eye for visuals. She asked me to create the promo, my first video production, from shooting to editing. Itt was an experience.
Leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trumps presency in 2016, protestors gathered on the Strip to march to the Trump Towner.